We have released a new version of several of our products. Support Portal, Freestyle FAQs and Freestyle Testimonials have all been updated.
The new versions can be obtained from our downloads section as usual, or if you are using Joomla 1.6 or above, through the auto component update.
We have changed the way the javascript on the components works, and it will now work correctly with the recent templated from places such as YooTheme, RocketTheme and several others. The recent jQuery issues have been caused due to some templates forcing the inclusion of jQuery only once on your site (a good thing). Freestyle used a customized version that would not conflict with any other javascript frameworks. Both the templates forcing only one jQuery, and our customized version both were trying to accomplish the same thing of not having your javascript libraries conflict with each other.
Freestyle now uses the same method that the template creators are using for its jQuery inclusion, so will now work correclty with all templates available.
Also, for Freestyle Support, we have added more visible checks for mod_imap being available on your server. mod_imap is required for the tickets by email system to function, and some users were having issues due to this.
Other changes:
We have added a Dutch translation for Support Portal to our downloads section. If anyone has any other translation for Freestyle Support Portal available, if you send them to use we can make them available for other users. Download here.
Many thanks to Wim Vandekerckhove for the Dutch translation.
Due to much demand, we have released a new version (v1.9.0.1248) that allows testimonials, kb comments, and announcement comments to be moderated from the Joomla backend.
You can still moderate from the front end of your site under the "Admin: Main Page" menu item as well. There are no permissions checked for the moderation on the Joomla backend, it is assumed that if a user has access to this section of the site, then they also have permission to moderate comments.
Freestyle Joomla Team
Support Portal now has prelimenary support for Joomla 2.5. We have done a good ammount of testing, and made some minor changes that should allow everything to work correctly.
A new version v1.9.0.1246 has been released with these changes. The new version can be downloaded here. A changelog for this new version will be available soon in the usual place.
Please let us know by opening a support ticket if you find any issues that we may have missed with Joomla 2.5 compatability.
Freestyle FAQs and Testimonials have also been updated with the same changes.
Freestyle FAQs DownloadFreestyle Testimonials Download
Freestyle Translation manager will be tested with Joomla 2.5, and updated if necessary over the next few days.
We have added a russian translation for Support Portal to our downloads section. If anyone has any other translation for Support Portal available, if you send them to use we can make them available for other users. Download here.
Many thanks to www.zelife.ru for the russian translation.
We have also added a JoomFish content plugin for Freestyle FAQs. If people would like this expanding to cover all of Support Portal please let us know. Download it here.
We have been hard at work updating Support Portal. It is now at version Users who have purchased this software can download it here.
A large number of new features and additions have been made since the first 1.9 release. Click the read more link for details on the changes.
We have also been updating our documentation, and work on this is going well. There are still a lot of articles yet to write, but we have made a good start. Please let us know your thoughts on the current progress by opening a support ticket.
We are proud to release a new product, Freestyle Translations Manager.
This is a backend only component that allows you to translate Joomla components without having to mess around with the ini file, and instead use a nice gui!
This is a free product, and is based off the orginal Joomla Translation Manager by Ifan Evans.
Many changes have been made in this version including editing FAQs, Announcements and KB Articles on the front end of your website. A new 'Ticket Groups' system has also been created to allow ticket users to share tickets.
Click read more for details about the changes in v1.9
Freestyle FAQs v1.9 and Freestyle Testimonials v1.9 have now been released.
These have been rewritten from the ground up, and are now the same feature wise as Support Portal.
These are 2 free components, so feel free to download them here.
The previously found SQL injection bug that was in the old 1.5.6 versions of Freestyle FAQs have now been fixed, and all input is now correclty escaped.
We have now released beta 2 for Freestyle Support v1.9.
Many thanks to all the people who have tested and reported bugs. All bugs that have been reported have now been fixed.
This release can be downloaded here.
Please vote for our software or write a review of one of our products on the Joomla! Extensions Directory
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