We have recently discovered a security issue with Freestyle Support and Freestyle Testimonials. Please upgrade your install to the latest version, v1.9.2.1484 ASAP as this resolves the security issue.
Freestyle Joomla
We have just released v1.9.2.1481. This version has now been fully tested for v2.5 as well as v3.0.
There are no new features in this version except compatability for Joomla 3.0.
We still haven't fully tested with v1.5, 1.6, or 1.7, so the version for older version of Joomla has not yet been updated, but should be shortly.Our internal testing catches 99% of problems that occur, but due to the many different configuration options in our software, and due to the nature of Joomla with everyones site having many different combinations of extensions, there are always things that crop up after our testing. You should not have any problems with the new version, but if any problems do occur, you can easily revert to this a previous version(by installing it over the top of the new one) while we create a fix for any issues found. We have made v1.9.1.1400 available for download for Joomla 2.5 users just in case.
We have now released Freestyle FAQs, Freestyle Testimonials and Support Portal for Joomla 3.0. This version is not fully tested with Joomla 2.5, but so far no issues have been found.
You can download the new versions here.
Freestlye Joomla Team
We have released a version of Support Portal for Joomla 3. This is a test version, so there may still be some bugs. Please let us know some feedback on this release.
Get the new version here
Sorry for the slow Joomla 3 support. There has been a large ammount of changes that cause issues with Freestyle Support. We have been wokring on the joomla 3 release for a while but were not expecting the final release quite so soon.
A version of Support Portal and the FAQs/Testimonials products will be released in the next couple of days.
It seems there is a strange bug with the upgrade that is resetting one of the settings on Support Portal. If you have updated to this version recently and are having problems viewing your tickets in the support admin pages, please try the following:
Goto your joomla backend, under components -> Freestyle Support -> Templates. Then goto the support tab, and ensure that the "Admin list template" option is set to classic.
Freestyle Support
We have just released v1.9.1.1392. This new version has several new features.
Included is the newly created Smart Search plugins for Joomla 2.5 users to integrate Knowledge base, FAQs and Announcement searching into their sites.
The FAQs section has also has some nice new features added, including a new "Featured FAQs" section so you can highlight some of your important faqs, and a new module for listing FAQs. We have also added a module for listing KB Articles.
Only minor changes to the support system for this release, the main change being email notifications on a ticket being closed.
The standalone Freestyle FAQs product will be updated with the new changes shortly.
Please see the change log kb article for a complete list of changes.
I know we published a "Plan for the future" in a new article a few months back, and we have not really stuck to what the plan was due to various reasons. Rest assured that development on Freestyle Support, and our other upcoming Joomla products is still progressing (although slower than we would have liked due to other commitments). More time has been available for development recently so the pace has increased a little, and quite soon we will be back to being focused soley on Freestyle Joomlas components and extensions full time.
I will get a new plan outlined and published as soon as we have worked out the best approach going forward with what we want to do with our products.
Adam ClarkeFreestyle Joomla Lead Developer
We have just released v1.9.1.1332. This version fixes all know issues relating to FAQs, KB Articles and Announcements with certain content plugins. Also includes several other bug fixes that have been reported in the last few days.
We have re-added support for Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 due to popular demand. Support for these versions of Joomla will remain for the forseeable future.
We have just released which fixes compatability problems when multiple Freestyle components are installed at the same time.
New Releases Available!
New Features:
The features that are relevant to FAQs and Testimonials will also apply to those products.
Due to the recent security problems with Joomla 1.6, 1.7 and 2.5, we have decided to drop support for the older, less frequently patched versions of Joomla, and from now on we will be primarily supporting Joomla 2.5 only.
Joomla 1.5 will still be supported within the product, but will no longer be extensivly tested for bugs. There may be the odd feature that ends up being Joomla 2.5 only, but at the moment, the 1.5 and 2.5 version of the Freestyle products are currently identical feature wise.
We have been very busy with non Freestyle Joomla commitments recently, so unfortunatly the long awaited v2 has been making very little progress.
Due to this we have decided to start adding some of the things that have already been created for v2 into the 1.9.x versions. We have already done this in some of the previous versions, but we are planning a much wider set of features being copied into 1.9.x.
The plan for the features to be copied, or created from scratch are as follows:
So this is the current plan. It may change, and things are very liklely to be shuffled around, and extra things added. Timescale wise, things are uncertain, but we are hoping for 2-3 weeks for each new version depending on available time.
Once this lot has been added to v1.9, we will be back working on v2, which fixes many of the core issues with the product in terms of both development, and from a user perspective.
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